Why You Should Consider Wellness Entrepreneurship

In 2021 the wellness economy was valued at around $1.5 trillion. The industry is booming and wellness startups and entrepreneurs are on the rise

Wellness is a great domain to get started with sustainability both as a consumer and as an innovative entrepreneur. But what does one understand with wellness? Many consider it a synonym for health, wellbeing, and peace. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
In addition to that, wellness consists of several aspects that are closely related to each other. Those dimensions are physical, social, intellectual, vocational, emotional, environmental, spiritual, and financial. They are all correlated. When one gets affected, it will get reflected on all the others. Likewise, individual well-being cannot thrive in an environment that lacks social well-being as they depend on each other.
Therefore, innovative solutions to personal and social health and well-being can have a positive impact on all the other dimensions of wellness.

Wellness and sustainability

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a helpful guideline for those working on innovative wellness projects and enterprises.
The 17 SDGs can be divided into three main categories in terms of well-being and harmony. The first group of SDGs focuses on people’s wellness. It includes the first ten SDGs.
Moreover, the second group, which includes SDGs 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 focuses on ecological wellbeing.
The last group includes SDG 16 and SDG 17 and it focuses on spiritual wellbeing.
The abovementioned grouping helps all those who are interested in health and well-being solutions.
Each of the 17 SDGs includes a list of targets and indicators that give insights into what needs to be improved or fixed.
After reading all the targets one can get several ideas on a sustainable solution that could work in a specific social context.

Starting a wellness business in 2022

Three years into the decade, there’s a huge need to rethink and reorganize healthcare systems all over the world. Innovators have seen great potential in health and well-being not only to grow themselves but also to serve their communities in new ways.

The types of businesses in this sector depend on various factors such as skills, audience, costs, legal requirements, licenses, etc. Below are some types of wellness businesses that are growing in popularity:

Health and wellness blogs/podcasts
Holistic and self-care apps: Meditation, fitness, food, planning, yoga, sleep, etc.
Nutritionists, personal chef
Life coaching/training
Corporate coaching training
Alternative medicine and holistic health
Personal trainer, yoga teacher, chiropractic, acupuncturist, massage therapist, midwife
Healthy food/supplements, oils, beauty products
Software for wellness entrepreneurs

Such careers innovate by combining new ways of doing business with existing skills and knowledge. Most of the above-mentioned skills have been around for centuries. This means, that people of all age groups and backgrounds can get employed and involved. Local brands and products can grow and even new jobs will become available.

Read also: Sustainable Startup Ideas to Try in 2022

Do you want to learn how to innovate while using what you already know and have? Do you want to learn more about sustainable entrepreneurship? Take our free online training and join the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2022 with an innovative idea or project.

Deadline for new entries: 15 September

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