Watch Our Winners Award Ceremony

Veröffentlicht am: Dec 14, 2021Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Watch Our Winners Award Ceremony

The winners of the Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition 2021 have been revealed last Friday, December 10, and you can watch the award ceremony here.

The ceremony hosted by the Entrepreneurship Foundation Berlin (Stiftung Entrepreneurship) brought together people from all over the world. Representatives from the Goi Peace Foundation and the Digital Experts United, members of the competition’s jury, and about 40 shortlisted finalists of the CEC 2021 celebrated the winners in the Best Ideas and Best Projects categories of the Youth and Adult contests.

The Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition aims at engaging people of all ages to create positive change in their communities thus helping them increase their participation in sustainable development through entrepreneurship. This is made possible through the online entrepreneurial training provided by the Entrepreneurship Campus, the network of thousands of entrepreneurs from all over the world, and the competition. Entrepreneurship is not the easiest way to change the world, yet it has huge potential to drive innovation, equality, and financial inclusion for social and environmental sustainability.

Moreover, entrepreneurship education helps people develop a mindset that makes them self-reliant. It also breaks down conventional beliefs or stereotypes that only certain people in certain contexts can become entrepreneurs.
We congratulate our winners and express our gratitude to all the CEC contestants who are working hard to solve issues with their innovative ideas and projects.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

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